ADMISSION FORM - ARTS/ COMMERCE/ SCIENCE Class F.Y.J.CS.Y.J.C--Select--ArtsCommerceScienceScience GeneralScience ITScience Computer ScienceCommerce GeneralCommerce ITCommerce Banking Cast S.CS.TD.T.N.TV.J.N.TO.B.CS.B.CHandicappedEx-ServicemanGovt. Servant Sex MaleFemale Marital Status MarriedUnmarried Nationality IndianForeign Coming From Which Area RuralUrban GURDIAN'S / PARENT'S PERSONAL DATA My Child has taken admission to this college with my consent. The applicant is my son/daughter/other relation and I undertake to see that applicant will abide by the rules of discpline of your college, attends classes regularly, complete all assignments properly and will behave in the college and in the public in a manner befitting to the prestige of your college. I also undertake that the applicant will not indulge in any activity that will be detrimental to interest of the college. Nor will he/She participate in any strike or demonstration or union activities that will be harmful to the college. I have read the column of important note on the front page and part C-Code of conduct of the prospectus. I assure the college that my son /daughter/other relation will abide by the rules and instruction given there in.