Working Hours :
Monday To Saturday 2.00 pm To 9.00 pm
Note : Library will remain close on Sundays and Public Holidays
Text Books
Reference books
Library Services
Library Orientation: Library orientation is given to the new students and newly recruited staff of the college to enable them to use the library collection extensively and avail the facility of the library.Rules and Regulations for the use of the Library (For Students)
Every individual entering the library should be a BONAFIDE STUDENT of the College and must have a valid INDETITY CARD. Identity card should be produced as and when demanded by any of the library staff.Duplicate Identity Card
In case Identity Card is lost, it should be reported to the Librarian. A duplicate Identity Card will be issued to the student against a payment of Rs.100/- only, after receiving proper application.
Library Fine
A book must be returned on or before the due date shown on the book. In case of urgent need the book will have to be returned immediately. Usually books are issued for a period of one week from the Home Lending Section. Books reserved for in-house reading are not allowed to be taken outside. In case a student fails to return a book within the time limit, a fine of Re.1 per day per book will be charged for first 15 days and Rs.2/- per day per book onwards. During examination days the fine would be Rs.10/- per day per book. A student may get a book reissued, if it is not in demand. A student taking books outside the reading hall without the special permission of the librarian will have to pay a fine of Rs. 10/- per day per book.Mutilation of Books
It is strictly forbidden to mark library books with pencil or ink or mutilate them in any way. The reader to whom the book was/ is issued last will be held responsible for loss of pages or any other damage unless he/she has brought it to the notice of the library staff before borrowing. Any student held responsible for damage of reading materials will be liable to fine equivalent to the damage caused.
Complete silence must be observed in and around the library. Disregard of this rule will invite punishment.Reserving seats in Reading Hall
Reserving of seats is not permitted in the reading hall of the library under any circumstance.
The smooth working of the library is possible only if students adhere to the rules and regulations of the library. The Librarian reserves the right to refer cases of breach of discipline to the Principal.
Although no specific rules and regulations are formulated for the staff, all the members are advised to observe general rules and decorum.
Name : Mrs. Ujjwala More (M. Lib)
Designation : Librarian
Work Description: Overall supervision and administration, budget allocation with the guidance of library committee. Book classification planning of library services administration, Library orientation to freshers, To guide students for project, Provide documentation and information services, Library correspondence, Reporting anomalies to the principal, Checking of all invoices.
Name : Kanchan Aachrya Designaion
Designation: Peon
Work Description: Cleaning the book stacks, Cleaning of Reading Hall and furniture in the Reading Hall