The Meghaduta, literally transalated means the cloud messenger. It is divided into two parts, Purva megha (previous cloud) and Uttaramegha (Consequent cloud). According to the story, the treasurer of Gods, Kubera has a groupt of divine attendants working for him called the Yakshas. One of these Yakshas was so smitten and obsessed with his wife that he ignores his duties.
Panini the legendary Sanskrit grammarian of 5th century BC, is the world’s first computational grammarian. Panini’s work, Ashtadhyayi (the eight Chapter book) is considered to be the most comprehensive scientific grammar ever written for any language. Panini composed a Sanskrit grammar called the Ashtadhyayi in 4000 short verses.
India has always believed in the harmonious relation between man and forces of nature and importance of each season has beautifully brought into light by the great poet Kalidas in Ritu Samhaara, a poem written by him. It can be called the “Medley of Seasons” or “Garland of seasons”. The Ritu Samhara has been divided into six main chapters..
Kalidasa’s Shakuntal is a far – famed drama, which is incomparable for its beauty charm, tenderness and fidelity to nature, and which in fact, stands at the head of the dramatic literature of the world. Kalidasa wrote three plays. Among the Abhijanashkuntalam is generally regarded as a master piece. It was among the first Sanskrit works to be …
As it is described in the ‘Malvikagnimitya’ Agnimitra was the Shunga Emperor at Vidisha. He was the second king of the Shunga dynasty of Northen India. According to ‘Malvikanimiram’ a war broke out between Shungas and Vidarbha during Agnimitra’s reign. Agnimitra sent his army to invade Vidarbha..
‘Malvikagrimitram’ A Sanskrit play written by great poet Kalidasa tells the story of love of Agnimitra who was Shunga Emperor, towards Malvika, an exiled servant girl. When the queen discovers her husband’s love for this mere girl, she becomes infuriated and imprisons Malvika. In the end. Malvika discovers herself to be of royal birth,